
Tuesday 14 July 2015

At The Croft School by Lia Filby

At The Croft School by Lia Filby
Cooking spaghetti Bolognaise at the Croft Primary School
Rolling down hills at the Croft Primary School
On the trim trail at the Croft Primary School
Fanning other children at the Croft Primary School
Trimming maths work at the Croft Primary School
Pinning pieces of paper on walls at the Croft Primary School
Running on the fields at the Croft Primary School
I had lunch at the Croft Primary School
Mr Howie does assemblies at the Croft Primary School
An apple got eaten at the Croft Primary School
Rushing for maths at the Croft Primary school
Yay its Funclub at the Croft Primary School
Swimming in the pool at the Croft Primary School
Crossing the road at the Croft Primary School
Homework being marked at the Croft Primary School
Oinking like a pig at the Croft Primary School
Octopuses running around at the Croft Primary School

Lia made this poem at the Croft Primary School





Tuesday 16 June 2015

Cheltenham Science Festival



Wednesday 3rd June 2015

On Wednesday we went on a school trip to the science festival first we went in to the science explosions and our favourite bit was the disco. After the hour went by, we sat down on the grass and had our lunch for about ten or twenty minutes then it was time to go in to the beebots. We had to control them to finish the quiz. Finally, it was time to go in to the dinosaur zone and look at all of the objects. We were allowed to get a poster and an invisible ink pen. Unfortunately it was time to go back to school, so we all got on the bus and played our games all the way back.                                                                                                                                


by Felicity and

Athletics Championships

Prince of Wales stadium sports championships


On Tuesday 2nd June 43 children went to the Prince of Wales stadium to compete in a sports competition against 29 schools around Gloucester.

 At the stadium there were lots of different events including: hurdles, relay, long jump, tennis ball throw, quoit throw, shot put, sprint and speed bounce.  The main event was Relay, because lots of people competed in it, and personally I thought it was the best!

As a team the 3/4 team came third out of 29

Thursday 30 April 2015

The Carducci Quartet

This week we were really lucky to be visited by the world famous Carducci Quartet along with a special guest Morgan Szymanski.

These amazing musicians are;

Matthew Denton  - Violin
Michelle Fleming - Violin
Eoin Schmidt-Martin - Viola
Emma Denton - Cello

The quartet have visited the school before to play for all of us and this year was just as fantastic as ever. They make it look so easy and run the afternoon in a really fun way.

They played;

Haydn - Op. 33 'Joke'
Shostakovich  - Wrong Note Polka
Philip Glass - Company
Haydn - Op.33 Bird
Shostakovich  - Quartete No. 5
Arbeau - Sword Dance
Dvorak - American Finale
Morgan then played Sketches of Mexico by Julio Cesar Oliva on the Classical Guitar
Boccherini - Fandango Quintet

We are very grateful to the Painswick Music Society and The Cavatina Chamber Music Trust for supporting this performance.

A few pics showing some of the site changes we've had since September.

We have had quite a few changes to the school since September, here are some, with more to come :)

Thursday 26 March 2015

Netball match v Shurdington

On Friday the 19th of March Daisy, Eniola, Flo, Emily, Matilda, Layla, Mollie, Isabelle, Belle, Lily, Lucy, Lola and Kate, represented The Croft School in a netball match against Shurdington School. In our first quarter Matilda scored our first triumphant goal (in the first 10 seconds). From then on we knew we had a good shot at winning.

 The whole team co-operated well together. As a result of this, Shurdington scored 0 in the first quarter and Croft 6.In our 2nd quarter Croft scored 1 and Shurdington 2.After our opposing team had scored more than us, we worked even harder to win. In our next quarter Croft scored 3 and Shurdington scored 1. In our final quarter 7 and Shurdington 4.

The final score was 16-4 to us.

We then played a second match which we won 5-4


All of this would not have been possible without Miss Lawrence!!!

Year 5 and 6 built a Viking Longboat

Building A Viking Long ship

On the 18th of March Year 5 and 6 built a Viking longship! It was a fun packed day with a variety of different activities such as: building and fastening the ship, weaving, sewing, decorating the figure heads and making authentic Viking shields! COOL! Each Viking shield was the same size as a real one so, to test our strength, we put our bodies to the test and tried a Viking work out. (Turns out none of class five are fit enough to be a Viking soldier.) Even though it is on a ¼ scale, the ship was big enough to hold 10 children! That’s a whole 6 metres!

A few weeks ago we also had a viking day full of fab workshops

By Florence Cross.

Robofest Computing Day

On Tuesday the 17th March a select few pupils went o Wycliffe college to take part in Wycliffe Robofest, a festival where schools come and (split into in small groups) build a small train  using : an arduino , a card board template , 3 axels and some gears and race them.

The day was great fun and every one enjoyed it !


SNOT the Dragon

SNOT the Dragon-Sir Nigel of Trelawney

On Friday March 13th 2015(Red Nose Day), Colin Diamond came with Snot the Dragon to perform an amazing Comic Relief magic show. The funny show began with Colin attempting to make balloon animals, once he had finally created his masterpieces without fault; the dog and butterfly were fantastic. We were also having a whacky hair day and non-uniform. 

 After the balloon extravaganza, Colin brought out his pet dragon, Nigel or as he prefers to be called SNOT the dragon (Sir Nigel of Trelawney) Next, he did a jaw-dropping handkerchief magic trick. He showed us that the handkerchiefs weren’t linked, and then his dog Robbie (the puppet) ate all of them when Colin wasn’t looking. Spinning round the magic wand he had just been given, Robbie flew up into mid-air and Colin managed to pull him back down with great strength. As we said the magic words “smelly socks in custard!” the handkerchiefs reappeared in the glass. When Colin pulled the now linked handkerchiefs out of the glass everybody clapped in awe.

After that, he bought out Lorrie ( the purple bird puppet) together, they did a terrific trick using coloured ping-pong balls (each a different colour). Colin chose a volunteer to pick out a random ping-pong ball, this time the lucky pupil was Hannah Watkins. Lorrie and Colin were meant to try and guess what colour ping-pong ball Hannah picked. The first time they guessed it was correct

Sunday 15 March 2015

Our School Kindness Team

Who is on it?
Luke yr6
Daisy yr6
Pip yr5
Nat yr4
Hannah yr3
Hannah CW yr2
Lucas yr2
We are the kindness team:
We help the school to be a kind place.
We do this because we don’t want people to be mean to each other and we want people to be happy at school.
Our aim is to make the school a more happy environment for children to learn in and adults to teach in.

What we do
Kindness day
Kindness assembly
Buddy reading
Raising money

We would like your input on any ideas you have!! JJJ

Monday 9 March 2015

To find out more about our school please visit and follow us on Twitter @croftprimary

As well as a way of sharing what goes on in our school we shall be using this site to give our children an opportunity to write for lots of different purposes and to wider audiences. 

Please feel free to comment on any blogs but please try to be positive or offer some constructive criticism. Comments will be monitored before they are uploaded.

Key Dates